Understanding the Costs and Benefits of VPS Hosting

Virtual Private Servers (VPS) offer an exceptional balance of performance, reliability, security, and flexibility at an affordable price. Depending on the server configuration you choose, a VPS from MyHostingSpace can start at a very low monthly cost. This article delves into everything you need to know about the cost of a VPS and what you can expect from your hosting service.

What to Expect from Your VPS

Choosing a VPS from MyHostingSpace comes with several significant advantages:

High Levels of Security

With VPS hosting, your server resources are not shared with other users, unlike shared hosting. This enhances your security profile, ensuring better isolation and protection for your data. Additionally, all MyHostingSpace servers are housed in ISO 27001 certified data centres, equipped with advanced DDoS protection and intrusion prevention systems.


As your business grows, so can your VPS. MyHostingSpace allows you to easily scale up your resources such as storage space, RAM, and CPU power. Conversely, if you need to downscale, you can adjust your resources accordingly without any hassle.


Compared to dedicated servers, a VPS is often more affordable while still offering high performance. You get the benefits of premium hardware without the hefty price tag associated with dedicated server options.
How Much Does VPS Hosting Cost?

Hosting your site on a VPS with MyHostingSpace can cost anywhere from £2 per month to £300 per month for the most advanced configurations. The total cost will depend on your specific needs and any additional services or software you require.
Factors Affecting VPS Cost

Several factors can influence the cost of your VPS:

Level of Resources

The primary determinant of VPS cost is the hardware resources you choose, such as SSD storage, RAM, and CPU power. Higher resource allocations will naturally cost more. It’s important to select a package that meets your current needs and allows for future growth.


Additional features such as SSL certificates, cybersecurity software, and server management tools like Plesk Obsidian can increase your overall cost. Be sure to account for these extras when planning your budget.

Server Management

While some providers offer managed VPS services, which can relieve you of the burden of server management, MyHostingSpace provides unmanaged VPS options. This gives you complete control over your server, allowing you to customise it to your exact specifications.
Comparing MyHostingSpace VPS Packages

MyHostingSpace offers a variety of VPS plans designed to meet different needs and budgets:

SizeCPURAMStorage (SSD)Monthly Cost


If cost is a concern, MyHostingSpace offers a range of affordable VPS options to fit your budget. For more information or to determine the best server for your needs, visit the VPS service page at MyHostingSpace or contact their sales team for personalised assistance.

By choosing a VPS from MyHostingSpace, you can ensure your online projects are supported by a reliable, secure, and scalable hosting solution that fits your budget.


Ready to configure your VPS Server?

Use our online platform to order, configure and manage your VPS Server.